Michael Ashcroft
Michael was born in Lancashire and studied art and design at Bishop Rawstorne high school. He also studied A-Level fine art and OCA portraiture at Runshaw College. He then moved on to further education at Blackburn College, doing city and guilds in life drawing. Michael’s early paintings were abstract acrylics and pastels which concentrated on the separation between light and dark before moving onto oils incorporating his early inspirations and techniques into the landscape around him. His current work is concentrated around splitting his time between studio and outdoor Painting. Using a palette knife and brush he creates a loose painterly style which is a combination of emotional and representational response to his surroundings. Larger paintings are then worked on back at the studio using the oil sketches and photographs for reference. Michael’s paintings have received many awards including finalist in the International Artist Magazine competition and also winner of the Harris Open Exhibition. His feature in the International Artist Magazine has gained him recognition around the world. This has found him many admirers of his work. Michael has had a solo exhibition each year from 2008 including a sell out show in the city of Oxford. He has recently just been elected a member of the prestigious Manchester Academy of Fine Art
Posted: January 04th, 2017
Category: Artists Profiles