MAFA is planning an online exhibition of members artwork on our relaunched MAFA website entitled Light and Hope. This online exhibition will go live during September 2020.
Some of our forthcoming exhibitions have been postponed due to the pandemic. However many of our artists have been very busy during lockdown creating new artwork. We’d like to showcase the paintings, prints and sculpture created by MAFA members during this pandemic. The exhibition will collect a snapshot of what life has been like during Covid-19. It will also explore the things that have inspired us as artists during this extraordinary time.
If you are a MAFA member and you’d like to take part you can submit a maximum of 3 artworks. Please send us a jpeg image of each artwork along with an explanation of the subject and your motivation behind creating it. The deadline for submission is 31 August 2020 and should be sent to mafaartists@gmail.com
Posted: August 03rd, 2020
Category: Events And Activities,News