Julia Midgley Elected To Royal Watercolour Society. Julia was required to submit a portfolio of work, sketchbooks and three framed works with one work retained for the Society’s Diploma Collection ….
whilst all three framed works are hung in the Society’s Spring Exhibition “Water Paper Paint” which opened on the 24th March 2017 and runs until the 27th April 2017.
Visit the Royal Watercolour Society’s website for more information.
The gallery below (click the thumbnails to view) consists of Julia’s framed work submitted and the work retained for the Diploma Collection ( which is “Inside the Hercules” )
Julia Said:
“All the works represent my reportage work with, in this case, medical subject matter, both civilian and military medical practice.
They are all works on paper using either watercolour or water based media”
Here is a link to the exhibition works on the Society’s website which is very informative and will soon include Julia’s work:
“Water Paper Paint” Exhibition works.
These are some links for those who wish to see more of Julia Midgley’s work:
Email: julia@juliamidgley.co.uk
Posted: March 26th, 2017
Category: Member News