MAFA Research and Education

Research and Education

MAFA Research & education

Research & education

Derek Boak teaches Art at Rainford College.

He has been a member of Manchester Academy of Fine Arts since 2004. In 2007 he started a series of collaborative research projects between his school and Members of Manchester Academy.

Derek has this to say about the research:
“The research section of our website is aimed at students and will show studios, working methods of artists and further examples of their work. The work of students who have attended workshops with the artists will also be shown and members of the academy have answered a questionnaire drawn up by students who attended an exhibition of one of our members work. The section will be a work in progress and it is hoped it will help students inform their future practice.”
Derek Boak 2011


MAFA Research and Education - Campbell Research

MAFA Research and Education – Campbell Research

These collaborations were recorded and have been made available as an online educational resource . This resource is not only of great value to students of art but also gives testament to the artistic lives of the Academy Members involved . These collaborations are on going . If you like to visit Derek’s Research Site please click on this link:

Visit MAFA Research Site

Category: Member News