With the easing of restrictions we can finally get back to exhibiting our artwork. President of MAFA Malcolm Taylor is currently showing his paintings alongside work by artist Anna Gibson in Linden Mill Gallery, Hebden Bridge. The exhibition is open to visitors until 30 May 2021 and can be viewed by appointment from Fridays to Sundays 12 pm -4pm.
In the exhibition there are over 70 paintings and prints split roughly in half between Anna Gibson’s work and Malcolm Taylor’s landscapes and wonderful abstract collages …with a few still lifes sprinkled in here and there.
Visit Now: Linden Mill Gallery, Linden Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DP.
You can take a look at more work by Anna Gibson via her website. Email annagibsonstudio@gmail.com for more information.
Posted: May 18th, 2021
Category: Events And Activities,Member News