“On the Albert Dock, Liverpool, historic marine buoys, anchors. ships and boats are displayed.One day actors were rehearsing amongst the objects. A welder interrupted his work to observe them. I had been drawing the skeleton of “Ambush” the 1900 Grand National winner owned by HRH Prince of Wales, housed nearby, as part of a current project to record significant equine skeletons.Struck by the juxtaposition and incongruity of buoys, actors, and welders combined with the Ambush skeleton a potential image began to emerge in my mind.
In the studio several concept drawings helped to compose the final “design”. The zinc etching plate was produced in a traditional manner, line drawing etched first before application of aquatint, a resin dust melted to the plate surface to achieve tonal areas. Shadows are an important part of composition linking elements of the image together. The etching is a result of observations in the field, illustrating my theme that truth is stranger than fiction.” – Julia Midgley
The limited edition numbers 20 copies.
Posted: May 30th, 2019
Category: Member News